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Tips For Preventing Hair Breakage Blog 

Tips For Preventing Hair Breakage

Have you noticed short strands of hair around your brush or bathroom floor? That might be hair breakage. Before I can lay out how to prevent it, it’s essential to understand what hair breakage is and how it differs from normal hair shedding. Hair breakage often occurs when the strands become weak or brittle due to various factors, which I’ll explain in more detail. By the way, it’s perfectly normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day due to shedding. However, those hairs fall from the root, which is…

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Best Shampoo For Dry Hair Blog 

Best Shampoo For Dry Hair

If you’re grappling with dry hair, you know the hassle it can be: the frizz, the split ends, and that straw-like texture. Dry hair isn’t just a minor annoyance. It’s a cry for nourishment and care, signaling an imbalance that needs addressing. So, what sparks this parched state of affairs on your head? It could be genes doing their thing, or it might be external factors like overusing heat styling tools, exposing your locks to too much sun, or even the very air you live in – if it’s dry,…

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